Saturday, October 8, 2016

John 12.26

If anyone serves me, He must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.
John 12:26

God says that where He is His servant will be also. This is an indication of where His servants will be in their life. If they are truly a servants of God, they will be near to Him and doing what He instructs. Nearness to the Master will draw the servant to where the Lord’s heart is truly at. Often we want to know God’s and what He would have for us to do. God’s near to the broken hearted He's on the streets. He’s with the hungry. He’s with the unlikely, the poor and the forgotten. He’s in the sweet children at the hospital. Serving Jesus isn’t about having the BIble memorized or preaching the best sermon. It doesn’t manifest in church attendance or tithing records. It’s not a hobby, a race to perfection or a religious tag to your beliefs. It’s new creation, new birth and freedom. It’s being close to God and going where He is.

Application: Lord break my heart for what breaks Yours. Today I am praying this prayer and seeking God's heart for His creation. 

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