Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Luke 2.46

"After three days they found Him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions." Luke 2.46

This verse made me ask myself, where am I found? Am i found sitting at Jesus' feet, listening to Him and asking Him questions? Or am I found hustling with the crowd? Am I just another number following the social norms, or am I singled out in His presence? Jesus was fully God yet humbled Himself as a man. It takes humility to have a teachable heart.

Jesus was a learner and He was hungry to know. So often I just fly through teachings/church/devotions with a hard heart that is filled with pride and superiority. No amount of knowledge or devotion to god can bring me superiority. We are all level at the foot of the cross. We are all products of grace. When I remember that I bring nothing to the cross, but simply cling to Him, i am found in Him.

Father I want to be found in You. I want to remain at Your feet, no matter the storm. Holy Spirit give me a hungry heart for You. Give me a burning passion for Your Word and power in my life.

Application: Today as I spend time with the Lord I am praying for a teachable heart.

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