Monday, August 1, 2016

Psalm 90.12

Psalm 90:12
So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Recently I read a book where the author’s main theme was living for eternity. The author wrote of a story to help illustrate the foolishness of storing up treasures on earth rather than treasures in heaven and I believe it will forever stick with me. She told of how every year her family would go vacation at the sand dooms and make it a camp out. They would ride 4 wheeler all day, adventure until they dropped and then lay out and watch the stars every night. She told of the simplicity that they lived in during this trip, but no one complained, because they would be Home soon. She told of the less than ideal sleeping arrangements, and the lack of showers, the simple meals and the tired bodies. But none of those things held her family back from fully throwing themselves into the adventure at hand. All of those “hindrances” were just part of the adventure and instead of complaining about them, they embraced them. They all knew that in a short amount of time they would be Home, sleeping in their comfortable beds and showered in their luxury bathrooms. They knew that they would soon be able to enjoy a wonderful meal and rest. They knew that the best sleep they would ever get, is the day they would arrive home from camping. As they dropped their exhausted bodies into bed, they would be filled with joy from the adventure, and ready to dive into a peaceful rest. That is exactly what we are doing now. We are on this temporary camping trip. While it may last longer than two weeks, we never know when it will be time to finally arrive Home and rest in His perfect peace.

The world tells us that living for eternity is foolish, but God’s word shows us that a heart that is set on eternity is a heart full of wisdom. How foolish would it be to roll up to the campsite in designer clothes, a five course meal and every small luxury you could imagine. How foolish to spend your entire camping trip, preparing for the camping trip and by the time that it is over, you realized that you haven’t even set out on the adventure, all you did was prepare for the adventures that you would one day have. That is essentially the life of a Christian who is living for the here and now, and not Eternity. If we really believe the Gospel, it will change everything. I stand on that truth and believe it with all of my heart. If we believe that everything is about eternity, it will change everything. It will change how we spend our time, our money, it will change our focus, our friends, it will change how we seek God and how we serve His people. It changes the cares of my heart and my desires. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. May my treasure be set on eternity and my heart set on the pilgrimage. We don’t have time to sit around and obsess on the luxuries of life, we have a mission given by God Himself to fulfill. So Lord, teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Application: If we believe that everything is really about eternity, it will change everything. I want my heart to fully be set on eternity and not caught up in the things of this world. Today I am asking God to show me areas of my heart where I am seeking the things of this world instead of the things of man. I will tell Gracie this to hold me accountable.


  1. Lord let us seek what lasts and is worth embracing the here and now for even if it's messy. You still transform us in the midst and prepare us for forever...

  2. Lord let us seek what lasts and is worth embracing the here and now for even if it's messy. You still transform us in the midst and prepare us for forever...
